• Rindu Sanubari Mashita Firdaus
    Rindu Sanubari Mashita Firdaus
    Penulis aktif di kegiatan penelitian dan pendampingan masyrakat tentang demokrasi ekonomi di pusat studi yang saat ini menjadi afiliasi. Penulis pernah menjadi penanggung jawab utama/Ketua pada periode 2015-2016 di program Sekolah Pasar Rakyat yabg diinisiasi oleh PSEK UGM sejak tahun 2012 hingga saat ini. Penulis juga pernah menjadi eksekutif direktur di Mubyarto Institute pada tahun 2017-2018.

Pendirian dan Pengembangan Usaha Sosial Secara Mandiri dari Komunitas



Social entrepreneurship is a popular term nowadays but also less in the definition. Schwab Foundation defines social entrepreneurship as a combination between a business with compassion to achieve a fair and just world that driven by dignity, access to opportunity, transparency, accountability, equity, and empowerment. Ashoka organization see that social entrepreneurship is guided by a commitment to system level change, not to markets and revenue models. In other words, social entrepreneurship aims to reduce and eliminate structural problems. Then Stanford Social Innovation defines social entrepreneurship is about securing permanent benefit for targeted groups or to a significant segment of society at large. Social entrepreneurship aims to shape a world where problems do not outrun solution and all people can participate and contribute to achieving this. Based on that variety of definitions, it can be said that social entrepreneurship is about making inclusive prosperity and development where no one left behind. It is quite the same with the concept of economic democracy in the national constitution of Indonesia especially article 27 and article 33. That brings big question about a lesson learned from the economic democracy of Indonesia for social entrepreneurship especially how to build social entrepreneurship from below or society itself. This paper makes highlights about the implementation of social entrepreneurship in 3 places: West Sumatera with its Nagari indigenous social entrepreneurship model, West Papua with its Marga indigenous social entrepreneurship model, and Nglanggeran Village (Yogyakarta) with its collective ecotourism entrepreneurship. Nagari and Marga are substantively traditional or ancient social entrepreneurship that has been going on there long before this term occurred. In other words, these social entrepreneurship models are given in their society so their need is reviving and scaling up their social entrepreneurship. On the other hand, there is bottom-up trial social entrepreneurship in Nglanggeran Village which collectively occurred by the community itself based on economy and political unrest or in a place where social entrepreneurship is not given concept for its society. Each model gives a different kind of lesson learned for social entrepreneurship. Indigenous models from Nagari and Marga give us an idea of how to make social entrepreneurship survive and what circumstances that support social entrepreneurship. Then Nglanggeran gives an idea of how to build social entrepreneurship from scratch, how to scale up, and how to overcome the next challenges once it’s successfully scaled up. Hopefully this paper can comprehend the implication of those best practices to change perception that capacity building process is a prep process to create high-quality labor into a perception to create bight quality community that would be able being the center actor of social entrepreneurs that contribute on ownership, management, profit distribution, and decision-making process toward productive resources. Schwab Foundation, What is social entrepreneurship?, https://www.schwabfound.org/what-is-social-entrepreneurship Zakaras, Michael, IS SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP BEING MISUNDERSTOOD? http://ashoka-cee.org/hungary/en/2018/05/14/is-social-entrepreneurship-being-misunderstood-by-michael-zakaras/ Martin, Roger L, Social Entrepreneurship: The Case for Definition, https://ssir.org/articles/entry/social_entrepreneurship_the_case_for_definition Hempri Suyatna, dkk, 2017, Pengembangan Model Inkubator Kewirausahaan Hijau di Desa Miskin Sekitar Hutan di Desa Nglanggeran Kabupaten Gunung Kidul Provinsi Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta, Pusat Studi Ekonomi Kerakyatan, Universitas Gadjah Mada. Laksmi Savitri, Dumairy, Suwartanti, 2018, Model “Sekolah Sagu” sebagai Pendekatan Sosial Humaniora dalam Pengembangan Industri Sagu Berbasis Masyarakat Adat untukUpaya Percepatan Pencapaian Kedaulatan Pangan, Pengentasan Kemiskinan dan Pengurangan Emisi GRK. Yogyakarta: Pusat Studi Ekonomi Kerayatan, Universitas Gadjah Mada Samodra Wibawa, Dumairy, Laksmi Savitri, 2018, Kajian Penyusunan Model Penerapan Demokrasi EkonomDalam Pengelolaan Pasar Rakyat Berbasis Budaya Lokal, Yogyakarta: Pusat Studi Ekonomi Kerakyatan, Universitas Gadjah Mada

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