Statistically, Aceh is the poorest province in the Sumatran Island, and also a province that has a high unemployment rate. Meanwhile, compared to other provinces, Aceh basically has an extra financial support from the central government through the otonomi khusus (otsus) budget. Consequently, some districts in Aceh have some poverty hot spots due to several factors; environmental factors (such as regular flooding), limited access/remote areas, lack of human resources, lack of necessary life/vocational skills, as well as market challenges for economic opportunities. This paper highlights the initiatives initiating new economic opportunities for women’s group in a disadvantaged area of Arongan Lambalek sub-district in West Aceh. Started from a poverty ethnography research, followed with the engagement of the university students and lecturers to initiate some new economic opportunities for women’s groups in the area. The process undertaken includes the establishment of Kelompok Usaha Produktif (KUP), and link it to the Badan Usaha Milik Desa for a sustainable economic impacts. With the support of DFAT KOMPAK, the so called Universitas Membangun Desa (UMD) program in the area, several groups of Kelompok Usaha Produktif for Women have been established, and their members are equipped a life skills that based on the potentials from their natural resources. So far, regardless of some challenges, few members of the groups showed a strong motivation and commitment to continue their business, and explored some potential market opportunities until to overseas.