This study focuses on assessing the stages of change management in Disbudpar Banyuwangi. Based on the results of in-depth interviews in Disbudpar Banyuwangi, founded that the change management stages consist of three phases namely planning, implementation, and strengthening results. While aspects of the organization that is subject to change are human resources, technology, and culture of the organization. The use of technology in tourism marketing requires Disbudpar to has human resource experts in the field of ICT. Therefore, Disbudpar recruits freelance who has an educational background in the field of ICT. In the aspect of technology, Disbudpar takes advantage of new media are like website, social media, and instant messaging in marketing. While the cultural aspect of organizations, the government internalize the value of entrepreneurship to all members of SKPD in Banyuwangi. Which is the civil servants are prosecuted to promote Banyuwangi tourism, either by oral communication or through social media respectively. This success is inseparable from the role of a regent Azwar Anas who has the political will to build Banyuwangi tourism and always gives an example in marketing the tourism potential of Banyuwangi on each occasion.