In current five years (2014 – 2019), the development of ICT start-up in Indonesia become main priority to boost economic growth for regional and national levels. In this period, there were several ICT start-ups growing rapidly in Indonesia including Gojek, Traveloka, Bukalapak, and many more. We analyze the development of ICT start-up in Indonesia based on the statements of government and non-government actors (venture capital, academics, industry, etc.) in four Indonesian online news (Detik.com, Tribunnews.com, Kompas.com and Liputan6.com) over the period 2014-2019. We use a discourse network analysis to map the attention and interest of the actors related to ICT start-up development in Indonesia. The central arguments or statements in the discursive are government support, access to market, lack of human resources, and lack to access finance. The analysis concludes that the role of start-up communities, government, investor and mass media was important to leverage ICT start-ups performance and to reach markets.