• Eddy Mayor Putra Sitepu
    Eddy Mayor Putra Sitepu
    Eddy Mayor Putra Sitepu, lahir di Kabanjahe, 30 Juli 1980. Meraih gelar Akuntan dari Sekolah Tinggi Akuntansi Negara pada tahun 2003 dan Master of Commerce dari the University of Adelaide pada tahun 2009 (beasiswa Australia Awards). Saat ini sedang menempuh pendidikan doktoral bidang akuntansi di Macquarie University, Australia (beasiswa Australia Awards). Memulai karir di Kementerian Keuangan pada tahun 2003 sebagai auditor di Ditjen Bea dan Cukai. Sejak tahun 2011 hingga sekarang aktif sebagai peneliti pada Badan Kebijakan Fiskal. Aktif menulis mengenai topik kebijakan fiskal.

Promoting individual creativity for inclusive economic growth in Indonesia



Creativity and innovation is recognized as a potential driver of economic growth especially in developing countries (van Uden et al., 2014). However, limited budget and lack of focus in a specific timeframe results in failure of government policies to promote the improvement in creativity and innovation. In Indonesia, the lack of creativity and innovation is one of the most problematic factors which hampers its competitiveness in global market and bring down the competitiveness ranking from 37 (2015) to 41 (2016) (WEF 2016). Considering that government has a very limited budget for research and development, the private sector can contribute to the national competitiveness by developing creativity and innovation throughout the organizations. Likewise, the success of organisations in the current global market is also largely dependent on employees’ creativity. Interactive use of budgets is likely to play an important role in encouraging employees’ creativity. This study examines whether the interactive use of budgets is associated with managers’ creativity directly or indirectly through role clarity. The Partial Least Squares (PLS) technique was used to analyse the mail survey data collected from 88 middle-level managers in publicly-listed Indonesian companies. The findings of this study indicate that interactive use of budgets has a significant impact on managers’ creativity through role clarity. However, there is no evidence that interactive use of budgets has a direct association with managers’ creativity. This study contributes to the management accounting literature and sheds some light on practical implications.

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