• A. Rizal Khabibi
    A. Rizal Khabibi
    A. Rizal Khabibi (24) adalah seorang analis perencanaan di Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Daerah Kabupaten Lamongan sejak awal tahun 2021. Menjadi seorang perencana pembangunan membuatnya belajar banyak hal baru, bertemu dengan banyak tantangan sekaligus memberikan dampak. Dalam merumuskan sebuah kebijakan publik membuatnya belajar banyak hal termasuk untuk mempertimbangkan aspek-aspek seperti lingkungan, sosial, ekonomi dan politik.

Enhancing Micro-Small Enterprises' Role through Creative Hubs towards Inclusive Digital-Creative Economic Growth

July 07, 2021

In this digital era, Indonesia still has a big task to do in developing its economic base, especially in the micro, small and medium enterprises sector. It is proven from a total of 64 million MSMEs in Indonesia, only 16% of MSMEs are able to go digital (The Ministry of Cooperative and MSMEs, 2020). However, on the other hand, the development of the creative economy sector provides new hope to jointly promote Indonesia's economic growth. More than 300 Creative Hubs have been established in Indonesia and this is an opportunity for stakeholders to collaborate to improve the competitiveness of MSMEs and other industry players. Connecting MSMEs with Creative Hubs is one of the strategic efforts that can be taken as an effort to make MSMEs scale up. Through this concept, MSMEs and Creative Hub community members can carry out joint business projects, increase capacity and get guidance as well as mentoring from professionals and academics. The government as a policy maker can be a driving force and facilitator to create an ecosystem of collaboration and a culture of innovation among business actors. With the support of various parties, this ecosystem will be realized and has many impacts, especially for improving the community's economy while at the same time creating inclusive digital-creative economic growth.

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